How To Buy A Suit: Wedding Special

For a man, buying a new suit can be as important as buying a new car, especially if said Suit is for your Wedding day. As soon as the questions been popped your friends and family excitedly start to predict what the Brides dress will be like. Will she go for a fitted number? I wonder if she’ll wear lace? But what about the men eh? Gone are the days when the only focus is on what the Bride is wearing, with stylish, quality men’s suits becoming more and more readily available and with more choice of colours, fabrics and cuts, the game has changed for Grooms to be.

So what now? Where does a "Groom to be" begin with this new abundance of choice and expectation? Here are our top tips for buying your Wedding day suits

Colour Scheme

The colour scheme will determine almost every detail of your wedding from stationary to flowers to accessories, everything will come back to the colour you more than likely chose at random without much of a second thought. Planning a wedding can be stressful and little details you didn’t think you would care about suddenly become more important than world peace. So before you go buying yourself and your trusty Groomsmen dashing new Suits, make sure your colour scheme is complementary to all areas of your wedding, especially your Suits.   

Location & Weather

Where your getting married will play a big part in how you and your Groomsmen will dress. Beach wedding on the cards? A 2 piece combo is your best bet. Traditional church wedding? A 3 piece tweed number is guaranteed to make your day extra special. Below are our top picks 


Sizing & Availability

We’ve had the pleasure of dressing many, many Grooms in our time and it’s one of the customer journeys we love to see (hint – send us pics of you on your Wedding day!) But if we had one piece of advice we could give to expectant Grooms? Plan ahead! Most Groomsmen groups are made up of a mixture of motley men – generally the Grooms Father, a few best pals and maybe a son or nephew, all of whom are completely different shapes, sizes and ages. We want you to look your best on your big day, we want you and your Ushers to be stood beaming with pride thinking “we look the b****cks!” So please guys, plan ahead, take your time to measure yourselves properly, reach out to us on Social, email or phone and ask advice – we’re more than happy to help.